
Trie type

Here is a JSON representation of a Trie.

JSON Representation

  "id" : "string",
  "root" : "string"


idstringThe unique trie id. Read-only.
rootstringThe current root hash of the trie. Read-write.

TrieItem type

JSON Representation

Here is a JSON representation of a TrieItem.

    "key" : "string",
    "value" : "string (base64)"


keystringThe unique key. Read-write.
valuestringThe value assigned to the key. Base64 encoded. Read-write.

TrieProof type

JSON Representation

Here is a JSON representation of a TrieProof.

    "id": "string",
    "trieId": "string",
    "root": "string",
    "createdAt": "string",
    "status": "string",
    "anchorType": "string",
    "txnId": "string",
    "txnUri": "string",
    "blockTime": 1601931891,
    "blockNumber": 7318373,
    "proofRoot": "string"


idstringThe unique proof id. Read-only.
trieIdstringThe unique trie id this proof was created on. Read-only.
rootstringThe root hash of the trie proven by this proof. Read-only.
createdAtstringThe timestamp the proof was created at. RFC3339 Format. Read-only.
statusstringThe proof status. One of [STARTED, CONFIRMED].
errorstringThe error message when status is ERROR.
anchorTypestringThe anchor type the trie proof has been submitted to.
txnIdstringThe blockchain transaction ID - once status is CONFIRMED.
txnUristringThe explorer URI for the blockchain transaction - once status is CONFIRMED
blockTimeuint64The blockchain's block consensus timestamp in seconds - once status is CONFIRMED
blockTimeNanouint64The bockcahin's block consensus timestamp's nano part. For most traditional blockchains, this will be zero. For Hedera, this will be the nano part of the transaction's consensus timestamp.
blockNumberuint64The blockchain's block number. For Hedera, this will be zero as there is no block concept and each transaction has its own consensus timestamp which defines the transaction order.
proofRootstringThe root hash of the trie proof, which is the anchor batch's root hash the proof belongs to.

TrieRoot type

JSON Representation

Here is a JSON representation of a TrieRoot.

    "root": "string",
    "createdAt": "string"


rootstringThe root hash. Read-only.
createdAtstringThe time the root was created. RFC3339 Format. Read-only.