Introduction reference Go Report Card NPM Package Proofable Test Status Proofable CLI Deploy Status

Proofable is a general purpose proving framework for certifying digital assets to public blockchains. Overall, it consists:

  • CLI (proofable-cli): the command-line interface (CLI) for API Service (proofable-api). At the moment, it supports proving a file-system to a blockchain

  • API Service (proofable-api): the general purpose proving service that is fast and effective. It provides a set of APIs to manipulate trie structures and generate blockchain proofs for any digital asset. A trie is a dictionary of ordered key-values that can be built incrementally, whose root hash at any given time can be derived efficiently. Once the root hash is proven to a blockchain, every key-value is proven, so as the digital asset stored in that key-value

  • Anchor Service (provendb-anchor): the service continuously anchors hashes to blockchains, which is similar to what Chainpoint does, but with much better performance and flexibility. It supports multiple anchor types and proof formats. Digital signing can be also done at the Merkle root level. It is consumed by proofable-api, which is not directly public-accessible at the moment



Before diving into code, let's go through these high-level concepts that Proofable is built upon


A trie is a data structure that behaves like a dictionary of key-values. Any data can be encoded as binaries in a key-value pair. The trie takes care of hashing the data and deriving the Merkle root. Internally, the key-values of a trie are ordered lexicographically by their keys, which form a prefix tree, as follows:

Trie Dot Graph

No matter what order the key-values are put in, the same bag of key-values will always result in the same trie with the same Merkle root. This determinism is known as commutative and associative of data hashing, which allows a trie to be built incrementally with efficiency. The inserts, lookups, updates, and deletes of key-values in a trie are all in O(log(n)). Thus, a new trie can be easily derived by modifying an existing trie. In storage-wise, each trie node is stored in a key-value store with the node's hash as the key and node's data as the value. This makes the trie storage agnostic and flexible enough to support all-sorts of key-value stores, such as embedded databases like LevelDB or blob storages like S3. This also makes modifying an existing trie memory and computation efficient, because only the modified trie nodes need to be loaded from the persistent store, and new nodes need to be saved back.

In Proofable, we extended the trie to be an all-in-one solution package - Proofable certificate. When a trie is updated, a new trie root will be created, but previous trie node data are still there and immutable. The series of trie roots resembles the history of the trie data change. A trie proof (anchoring trie path of the certificate) can be created for each root, which means the hash of the root will be anchored to a blockchain of the user's choice permanently. Once the anchoring is confirmed, all the data contained in the trie at the given root will be mathmatically/cryptographically authenticated, i.e. it will be able to claim that the trie data exist exactly like this at the time of the confirmation. A key-values proof (sub-certificate) can be also extracted from a trie to independently prove a subset of the key-values the user is interested in, e.g. claiming that two key-values of particular interest exist exactly like this at the time of the confirmation. When all manipulations are done, the trie can be exported by the user and put in a safe place they have full control. Later on, the trie can be imported back to do further manipulations.

Using the trie as the basis for Proofable and ProvenDB has the following advantages over more simplistic approaches:

  • Very large amounts of data can be anchored to a blockchain in a single transaction. Only the root of a trie needs to be included in the blockchain transaction. The trie structure itself forms the link between that transaction and the individual elements being proved.
  • The trie supports hierarchies of proof – we can generate proofs for a specific directory for instance, as well as proofs for all the items in the directory.
  • The trie can be built incrementally, reducing the burden of recalculating an entire proof when new elements are added.

Chain of Trust

Chain of Trust

When a piece of information (data) is anchored to a blockchain by Proofable using a Merkle trie, we can work backward using the corresponding Merkle trie path to assert that the data has existed from the time of the blockchain transaction. The Merkle trie path itself becomes a certificate for the data. We can generate such a certificate to prove that the data has existed from a timestamp. If the data is an image, then we can use the certificate to verify an arbitrary image and see whether someone has tampered with it. We can also use the timestamp to verify the certificate itself, such that when we trust the timestamp, we can check the validity of the certificate and then the image. In this way, the surface area for potential forgery attack is reduced to a block. Or if we remembered and trusted the transaction hash of the certificate, the attack surface is reduced to that transaction. The timestamp and transaction hash are the seed information like the first principles in philosophy which we can base our trust on. In this way, a chain of trust is formed from the blockchain seeds to our image contents as in above figure. For more details, please check out our Medium post Build Trust into Image with Blockchain

Anchor Types

An anchor type is a type of blockchain that is supported by Proofable to anchor your data. The following list represents the available anchor types in Proofable's production environment

NameNumberAvailableBatch SizeBatch TimeDescription
ETH0YES1638430sEthereum Rinkeby Testnet
ETH_MAINNET3YES3276810mEthereum Mainnet. Ethereum is the second-largest cryptocurrency
ETH_ELASTOS4Elastos, which employs a "main chain-sidechain architecture"
ETH_GOCHAIN9YES1638430sGoChain, which is scalable, low cost and energy efficient
BTC1YES327681mBitcoin Testnet
BTC_MAINNET5YES327683hBitcoin Mainnet. Bitcoin is the largest cryptocurrency
HEDERA6YES30723sHedera Testnet
HEDERA_MAINNET7YES30723sHedera Mainnet. Hedera is a DAG based blockchain that provides much better TPS than tranditional blockchains
HYPERLEDGER8YES30723sHyperledger Fabric, which is a modular blockchain framework for private enterprises


Proofable CLI Deploy Status

proofable-cli is the command-line interface (CLI) for Proofable API Service (proofable-api). At the moment, it supports certifying a file-system to blockchains


This demo shows how to use proofable-cli to prove a directory of source code


For macOS users

Install via Homebrew

  1. brew tap southbanksoftware/proofable
  2. brew install proofable-cli

Later on, you can upgrade to the latest version using: brew upgrade proofable-cli

Install directly

Copy and paste the following bash command in a macOS Terminal:

bash -c "$(eval "$(if [[ $(command -v curl) ]]; then echo "curl -fsSL"; else echo "wget -qO-"; fi)")"

Then hit return to run, which will install the latest proofable-cli binary into /usr/local/bin. Then you can use the CLI as:

proofable-cli -h

If you want to install the latest dev (cutting edge) binary, using:

ENV=dev bash -c "$(eval "$(if [[ $(command -v curl) ]]; then echo "curl -fsSL"; else echo "wget -qO-"; fi)")"

To upgrade, simply repeat the installation steps

For Linux users

Install via Homebrew

  1. brew tap southbanksoftware/proofable
  2. brew install proofable-cli

Later on, you can upgrade to the latest version using: brew upgrade proofable-cli

Install directly

Copy and paste the following bash command in a Linux shell prompt:

sudo bash -c "$(eval "$(if [[ $(command -v curl) ]]; then echo "curl -fsSL"; else echo "wget -qO-"; fi)")"

Then hit return to run, which will install the latest proofable-cli binary into /usr/local/bin. Then you can use the CLI as:

proofable-cli -h

If you want to install the latest dev (cutting edge) binary, using:

sudo ENV=dev bash -c "$(eval "$(if [[ $(command -v curl) ]]; then echo "curl -fsSL"; else echo "wget -qO-"; fi)")"

To upgrade, simply repeat the installation steps

For Windows users

Install directly

Copy and paste the following PowerShell command in a PowerShell prompt:

& ([ScriptBlock]::Create((New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')))

Then hit return to run, which will install the latest proofable-cli.exe binary into your current directory. Then you can use the CLI as:

.\proofable-cli.exe -h

If you want to install the latest dev (cutting edge) binary, using:

& ([ScriptBlock]::Create((New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))) "dev"

To upgrade, simply repeat the installation steps

Install directly in Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

Follow the same steps for Linux users

Build your own binary

  1. make sure the latest golang is installed
  2. clone this repo
  3. cd cmd/proofable-cli && make

Dev (cutting-edge) binaries

Prd (released) binaries


# for help
./proofable-cli -h

# authenticate with ProvenDB. You don't have to explicitly run this. When you execute a command that requires authentication, it will be automatically run
./proofable-cli auth

# remove existing authentication
./proofable-cli auth -d

# create a proof for a path
./proofable-cli create proof path/to/the/data

# create a proof for a path in a custom location
./proofable-cli create proof path/to/the/data -p path/to/output/the/proof.proofable

# create a proof for a path including metadata
./proofable-cli create proof path/to/the/data --include-metadata

# verify a proof for a path
./proofable-cli verify proof path/to/the/data

# verify a proof for a path and output the proof's Graphviz Dot Graph
./proofable-cli verify proof path/to/the/data -d path/to/output/the/dot/

# verify a proof for a path from a custom location
./proofable-cli verify proof path/to/the/data -p path/to/the/proof.proofable

# create a subproof out of a proof
./proofable-cli create subproof key1_of_the_proof key2_of_the_proof -p path/to/the/proof.proofable -s path/to/output/the/subproof.subproofable

# verify a subproof for a path
./proofable-cli verify subproof path/to/the/data -s path/to/the/subproof.subproofable

# verify a subproof for a path and output the subproof's Graphviz Dot Graph
./proofable-cli verify subproof path/to/the/data -s path/to/the/subproof.subproofable -d path/to/output/the/dot/

# offline verify a subproof
./proofable-cli offline path/to/the/subproof.subproofable

Go SDK reference Go Report Card

Proofable Go SDK is the software development kit to help users build solutions around proofable-api service using Golang. It includes helpers to perform authentication, consume the Proofable stream-based gRPC APIs, handle file input and output, hash and diff data and build command line interface

Getting started

To add the Proofable package to your Golang project, just run:

go get

Now, let's go through a hello world example to:

  • create a Proofable API client

  • prove a bunch of key-values to Ethereum Testnet within a minute

  • create a proof for them

  • verify the proof

  • extract a subproof for just one key-value out of the proof

  • verify the subproof independently

The packages in pkg altogether resembles a Go SDK for Proofable, which provides great convenience when consuming proofable-api

You can find the complete example source code here, which can be run as:

go run examples/example.go

Step 1: authenticate with ProvenDB

This step will authenticate with ProvenDB so you can access proofable-api. When you are successfully authenticated, an access token will be saved to a global location on your machine. On Mac, it is located at ~/Library/Application\ Support/ProvenDB/auth.json. The next time, when you invoke AuthenticateForGRPC, it will automatically use the saved token without prompting you to go through the authentication steps again. You can find more details from here. Please note that this authentication method is temporary, which will be replaced by an API key soon

creds, err := authcli.AuthenticateForGRPC(ctx,

Step 2: create a Proofable API client

This step creates a Proofable API gRPC client (cli) to be used in a closure. When the closure exits, the client will be automatically destroyed. You could also create a client without a closure using NewAPIClient, but in that case, you have to manually destroy the client after use

    func(cli apiPB.APIServiceClient) error {
        // make use of the `cli` in this closure

Step 3: create an empty trie

This step creates an empty trie, which is a dictionary that can hold key-values, to be used in a closure. When the closure exits, the trie will be automatically destroyed. You could also create an empty trie without a closure using CreateTrie, but in that case, you have to manually destroy the trie using DeleteTrie or wait for proofable-api to garbage collect it.

This creates a local trie (apiPB.Trie_LOCAL), which is temporarily persisted in each Proofable API service instance. You can also choose to create a cloud trie with apiPB.Trie_CLOUD, which will be persisted in Proofable cloud storage. The cloud trie has a much longer retention period and supports high-availability and large data volume. Also, you don't have to consistently export and import cloud tries for manipulations. Proofable talks directly to the cloud storage for you, which is ideal for incrementally building and storing large tries

api.WithTrie(ctx, cli, apiPB.Trie_LOCAL, func(id, root string) error {
    // make use of the trie, identified by the `id`, in this closure. The root will always be 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 for an empty trie

Step 4: set the key-values we want to prove

This step sets a bunch of key-values that we want to prove in the trie we have just created. In the example, they are my home sensor readings. Both key and value can be arbitrary binaries. They key order doesn't matter. When getting key-values from the trie, e.g. GetTrieKeyValues, they will always be sorted according to the key's alphabetical order. When setting key-values, you can also make multiple SetTrieKeyValues calls as a way to build up a large trie incrementally

root, err := api.SetTrieKeyValues(ctx, cli, id, root,
        {Key: []byte("balcony/wind/speed"), Value: []byte("11km/h")},
        {Key: []byte("balcony/wind/direction"), Value: []byte("N")},
        {Key: []byte("living_room/temp"), Value: []byte("24.8℃")},
        {Key: []byte("living_room/Co2"), Value: []byte("564ppm")},

Step 5: create a proof for the key-values

This step creates a proof, a.k.a. trie proof, to prove the trie at the given root to Ethereum (ETH). Please refer to this for all available anchor types. The trie at the given root contains all the key-values we want to prove. When the trie is proven, so are the key-values contained in

triePf, err := api.CreateTrieProof(ctx, cli, id, root, anchorPB.Anchor_ETH)

Step 6: wait for the proof to be anchored to Ethereum

This step waits the proof we have just created until it is anchored to Ethereum, during which we output the anchoring progress

tpCH, errCH := api.SubscribeTrieProof(ctx, cli, id, triePf.GetId())

for tp := range tpCH {
    log.Printf("Anchoring proof: %s\n", tp.GetStatus())
    triePf = tp

    if tp.GetStatus() == anchorPB.Batch_ERROR {
        return errors.New(tp.GetError())

// always check error from the error channel
err = <-errCH

Step 7: verify the proof

This step verifies the proof we have just created. The verification is supposed to be run at any time after the proof has been created and when we want to make sure our proof is valid as well as retrieving information out from the proof

kvCH, rpCH, errCH := api.VerifyTrieProof(ctx, cli, id, triePf.GetId(),
    true, "")

// strip the anchor trie part from each key
kvCH = api.InterceptKeyValueStream(ctx, kvCH,

log.Println("key-values contained in the proof:")
for kv := range kvCH {
    log.Printf("\t%s -> %s\n",
        strutil.String(kv.Key), strutil.String(kv.Value))

// always check error from the error channel
err = <-errCH
if err != nil {
    return err

rp := <-rpCH
if !rp.GetVerified() {
    return fmt.Errorf("falsified proof: %s", rp.GetError())

log.Printf("the proof with a root hash of %s is anchored to %s in block %v with transaction %s at %s, which can be viewed at %s\n",
    time.Unix(int64(triePf.GetBlockTime()), 0).Format(time.UnixDate),

This step will output the key-values contained in the proof:

balcony/wind/direction -> N
balcony/wind/speed -> 11km/h
living_room/Co2 -> 564ppm
living_room/temp -> 24.8℃

and a summary:

the proof with a root hash of 4711b3b18e379dbdfabd6440428d20cae5784a518605acec48e126e33383f24e is anchored to ETH in block 6231667 with transaction 8e26def59e1a7289e6c322bc49ee4f23f015c17cebafa53c19b6e34561270232 at Tue Mar 31 15:33:10 AEDT 2020, which can be viewed at

and a Graphviz Dot Graph (

Proof Dot Graph

Step 8: extract a subproof for just one key-value out of the proof

This step extracts a subproof, a.k.a. key-values proof, out of the proof we have just created. The subproof proves the key living_room/Co2 only and nothing else. A subproof file named living_room_Co2.subproofable will be created in current working directory. You could also create a subproof for multiple key-values

api.CreateKeyValuesProof(ctx, cli, id, triePf.GetId(),
        Keys: []*apiPB.Key{
            {Key: []byte("living_room/Co2")},

Step 9: verify the subproof independently

This step independently verifies the subproof we have just created. The only thing needed in order to verify the subproof is the subproof file itself. The verification is supposed to be run at any time after the subproof has been created and when we want to make sure our subproof is valid as well as retrieving information out from the subproof

kvCH, rpCH, errCH := api.VerifyKeyValuesProof(ctx, cli,
    true, "")

// strip the anchor trie part from each key
kvCH = api.InterceptKeyValueStream(ctx, kvCH,

log.Println("key-values contained in the subproof:")
for kv := range kvCH {
    log.Printf("\t%s -> %s\n",
        strutil.String(kv.Key), strutil.String(kv.Value))

// always check error from the error channel
err = <-errCH
if err != nil {
    return err

rp := <-rpCH
if !rp.GetVerified() {
    return fmt.Errorf("falsified subproof: %s", rp.GetError())

et, err := api.GetEthTrieFromKeyValuesProof("living_room_Co2.subproofable")
if err != nil {
    return err
merkleRoot := hex.EncodeToString(et.Root())

log.Printf("the subproof with a root hash of %s is anchored to %s in block %v with transaction %s at %s, which can be viewed at %s\n",
    time.Unix(int64(et.BlockTime), 0).Format(time.UnixDate),

This step will output the key-values contained in the subproof:

living_room/Co2 -> 564ppm

and a summary:

the subproof with a root hash of 4711b3b18e379dbdfabd6440428d20cae5784a518605acec48e126e33383f24e is anchored to ETH in block 6231667 with transaction 8e26def59e1a7289e6c322bc49ee4f23f015c17cebafa53c19b6e34561270232 at Tue Mar 31 15:33:10 AEDT 2020, which can be viewed at

and a Graphviz Dot Graph (

Subproof Dot Graph


Here are some more examples to help you with the Proofable Go SDK

  • Go SDK Examples: source code of complete and runnable examples

  • ProofableImage: builds trust into your image by creating a blockchain certificate for it. The image certificate can not only prove the image as a whole but also prove the pixel boxes and the metadata inside it. For more details, please read through this Medium post.


Proofable Go SDK Reference

Node SDK

NPM Package

Proofable Node SDK is the software development kit to help users build solutions around proofable-api service using Node. It provides a set of promise-based APIs as well as more advanced callback and stream based APIs for dealing with the service. The promise-based APIs are convenient to be consumed in most use cases, while the callback and stream based APIs support more advanced features such as canceling and per-call gRPC options.

Getting started

  1. npm i proofable. We recommend the Node LTS versions: v12.16.3+

  2. create an authentication token using: ./proofable-cli auth. You can find details from here

  3. import Proofable package

    import { newAPIClient, Anchor, Key /* and more */ } from "proofable";
  4. create a Proofable API client

    const client = newAPIClient("");
  5. create a trie from data. This creates a local trie (Trie.StorageType.LOCAL), which is temporarily persisted in each Proofable API service instance. You can also choose to create a cloud trie with client.createTrieFromKeyValues(keyValues, Trie.StorageType.CLOUD), which will be persisted in Proofable cloud storage. The cloud trie has a much longer retention period and supports high-availability and large data volume. Also, you don't have to consistently export and import cloud tries for manipulations. Proofable talks directly to the cloud storage for you, which is ideal for incrementally building and storing large tries

    const trie = await client.createTrieFromKeyValues(
        "balcony/wind/speed": "11km/h",
        "balcony/wind/direction": "N",
        "living_room/temp": "24.8℃",
        "living_room/Co2": "564ppm",
  6. anchor the trie to a blockchain that is supported by Proofable. Here we use Hedera testnet, as it is cool and fast

    const trieProof = await client.anchorTrie(trie, Anchor.Type.HEDERA);

    Anchor Trie Example

  7. export the trie for later use. This trie file is a self-contained certificate that can be used later on to do all sorts of manipulations, including verifiying the data

    await client.exportTrie(trieId, "./example.proofable");
  8. import and verify the trie we just exported. Note that in order to use this convenient and efficient verification API, we have to ensure the original key-values are sorted. This sorting can be done efficiently in real world case, e.g. when querying a database

    const result = await client.importAndVerifyTrieWithSortedKeyValues(
          "balcony/wind/speed": "11km/h",
          "balcony/wind/direction": "N",
          "living_room/temp": "24.8℃",
          "living_room/Co2": "564ppm",

    Import and Verify Trie Example

    Proof Dot Graph Example

  9. create a key-values proof for the data subset directly from the already proved trie. This proof file is a self-contained certificate that proves the data subset

    await client.createKeyValuesProof(
      or you can directly use `KeyValue`s:
          "balcony/wind/speed": "11km/h",
          "living_room/Co2": "564ppm",
  10. verify the key-values proof we just created. Again, we need to sort the original data subset

    const result = await client.verifyKeyValuesProofWithSortedKeyValues(
          "balcony/wind/speed": "11km/h",
          "living_room/Co2": "564ppm",

    As you can see, the trie and are undefined comparing to previous output, which indicates that the key-values proof is independent of any tries

    Verify Key-values Proof Example

    Subproof Dot Graph Example

You can find the complete source code of this guide from here, which can be run as:

npm run example-basic


Here are some more examples to help you with the Proofable Node SDK

TypeScript Example

This is a detailed example written in TypeScript that demonstrates how to:

  • create a Proofable API client

  • prove a bunch of key-values to Ethereum Testnet within a minute

  • create a proof for them

  • verify the proof

  • extract a subproof for just one key-value out of the proof

  • verify the subproof independently

You can find the complete example source code here, which can be run as:

npm run example

You can also find the Javascript version here, which can be run as:

npm run example-js

Step 1: authenticate with ProvenDB

This step will authenticate with ProvenDB so you can access proofable-api. When you are successfully authenticated, an access token will be saved to a global location on your machine. On Mac, it is located at ~/Library/Application\ Support/ProvenDB/auth.json. You can find more etails from here. Please note that this authenticaton method is temporary, which will be replaced by an API key soon

  1. download proofable-cli
  2. sign in/up to ProvenDB: ./proofable-cli auth
  3. you are all set. You only need to do this once

Step 2: create a Proofable API client

This step creates a Proofable API gRPC client. After using the client, you can destroy the client using client.close()

const client = newAPIClient("");

Step 3: create an empty trie

This step creates an empty trie with root 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, which is a dictionary that can hold key-values. After using the trie, you can destroy the trie using deleteTrie or wait for proofable-api to garbage collect it

This creates a local trie (Trie.StorageType.LOCAL), which is temporarily persisted in each Proofable API service instance. You can also choose to create a cloud trie with client.createTrie(Trie.StorageType.CLOUD), which will be persisted in Proofable cloud storage. The cloud trie has a much longer retention period and supports high-availability and large data volume. Also, you don't have to consistently export and import cloud tries for manipulations. Proofable talks directly to the cloud storage for you, which is ideal for incrementally building and storing large tries

let trie = await client.createTrie();

Step 4: set the key-values we want to prove

This step sets a bunch of key-values that we want to prove in the trie we have just created. In the example, they are my home sensor readings. Both key and value can be arbitrary binaries. They key order doesn't matter. When getting key-values from the trie, e.g. getTrieKeyValues, they will always be sorted according to the key's alphabetical order. When setting key-values, you can also make multiple setTrieKeyValues calls as a way to build up a large trie incrementally

trie = await client.setTrieKeyValues(trie.getId(), trie.getRoot(), [
  KeyValue.from("balcony/wind/speed", "11km/h"),
  KeyValue.from("balcony/wind/direction", "N"),
  KeyValue.from("living_room/temp", "24.8℃"),
  KeyValue.from("living_room/Co2", "564ppm"),

Step 5: create a proof for the key-values

This step creates a proof, a.k.a. trie proof, to prove the trie at the given root to Ethereum (ETH). Please refer to this for all available anchor types. The trie at the given root contains all the key-values we want to prove. When the trie is proven, so are the key-values contained in

let trieProof = await client.createTrieProof(

Step 6: wait for the proof to be anchored to Ethereum

This step waits for the proof we have just created until it is anchored to Ethereum, during which we output the anchoring progress

for await (const tp of client.subscribeTrieProof(
)) {
  console.log("Anchoring proof: %s", Batch.StatusName[tp.getStatus()]);
  trieProof = tp;

  if (tp.getStatus() === Batch.Status.ERROR) {
    throw new Error(tp.getError());

Step 7: verify the proof

This step verifies the proof we have just created. The verification is supposed to be run at any time after the proof has been created and when we want to make sure our proof is valid as well as retrieving information out from the proof

for await (const val of client.verifyTrieProof(
)) {
  if (val instanceof VerifyProofReply) {
    if (!val.getVerified()) {
      console.error("falsified proof: %s", val.getError());
  } else {
    // strip the anchor trie part from each key
    const kv = stripCompoundKeyAnchorTriePart(val).to();

    console.log("\t%s -> %s", kv.key, kv.val);

  "\nthe proof with a root hash of %s is anchored to %s in block %s with transaction %s on %s, which can be viewed at %s",
  new Date(trieProof.getBlockTime() * 1000).toUTCString(),

This step will output the key-values contained in the proof:

balcony/wind/direction -> N
balcony/wind/speed -> 11km/h
living_room/Co2 -> 564ppm
living_room/temp -> 24.8℃

and a summary:

the proof with a root hash of 4711b3b18e379dbdfabd6440428d20cae5784a518605acec48e126e33383f24e is anchored to ETH in block 6231667 with transaction 8e26def59e1a7289e6c322bc49ee4f23f015c17cebafa53c19b6e34561270232 at Tue, 31 Mar 2020 15:33:10 AEDT, which can be viewed at

and a Graphviz Dot Graph (

Proof Dot Graph

Step 8: extract a subproof for just one key-value out of the proof

This step extracts a subproof, a.k.a. key-values proof, out of the proof we have just created. The subproof proves the key living_room/Co2 only and nothing else. A subproof file named living_room_Co2.subproofable will be created in current working directory. You could also create a subproof for multiple key-values

await client.createKeyValuesProof(

Step 9: verify the subproof independently

This step independently verifies the subproof we have just created. The only thing needed in order to verify the subproof is the subproof file itself. The verification is supposed to be run at any time after the subproof has been created and when we want to make sure our subproof is valid as well as retrieving information out from the subproof

for await (const val of client.verifyKeyValuesProof(
)) {
  if (val instanceof VerifyProofReply) {
    if (!val.getVerified()) {
      console.error("falsified subproof: %s", val.getError());
  } else {
    // strip the anchor trie part from each key
    const kv = stripCompoundKeyAnchorTriePart(val).to();

    console.log("\t%s -> %s", kv.key, kv.val);

const ethTrie = await getEthTrieFromKeyValuesProof(

  "\nthe subproof with a root hash of %s is anchored to %s in block %s with transaction %s on %s, which can be viewed at %s",
  new Date(ethTrie.blockTime * 1000).toUTCString(),

This step will output the key-values contained in the subproof:

living_room/Co2 -> 564ppm

and a summary:

the subproof with a root hash of 4711b3b18e379dbdfabd6440428d20cae5784a518605acec48e126e33383f24e is anchored to ETH in block 6231667 with transaction 8e26def59e1a7289e6c322bc49ee4f23f015c17cebafa53c19b6e34561270232 at Tue, 31 Mar 2020 15:33:10 AEDT, which can be viewed at

and a Graphviz Dot Graph (

Subproof Dot Graph


Proofable Node SDK Reference


Getting Started

The endpoint for Proofable REST API is

A Postman collection is available for download here.

Quick Start

Let's prove and verify Hello, World!.


First, let's create a POST request to anchor our item to the Ethereum blockchain. The value provided is the key name encoded in base64. All values that you want to prove need to be base64 encoded.

Request Body
    "anchorType" : "ETH",
    "items" : [
        { "key" : "Hello, World!", "value" : "SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ==" }
Using curl
curl -d '{ "anchorType" : "ETH", "items" : [ { "key" : "Hello, World!", "value" : "SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ==" }] }' -H "Authorization: Bearer $YOUR_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST
Response Body
    "proof": {
        "id": "p1K2Nn0P010xEgzaV524Hk",
        "trieId": "tBnXlLjoCI-WgFzjaDxgae",
        "root": "c745c59d907512f3d023ed6e1e654e72e1dfba5422691c434bc3c2432f1472dd",
        "createdAt": "2020-10-07T02:37:08.0056553Z",
        "status": "BATCHING",
        "anchorType": "ETH",
        "proofRoot": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"


In order to verify our newly created proof, we need to wait for it to be confirmed on the blockchain. To check this, we gather the id from the proof returned and use it as our proofId, and combine this with our trieId to make a request to the following endpoint:

Using curl
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $YOUR_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET
Response Body
    "proof": {
        "id": "p1K2Nn0P010xEgzaV524Hk",
        "trieId": "tBnXlLjoCI-WgFzjaDxgae",
        "root": "c745c59d907512f3d023ed6e1e654e72e1dfba5422691c434bc3c2432f1472dd",
        "createdAt": "2020-10-07T02:37:08.0056553Z",
        "status": "CONFIRMED",
        "anchorType": "ETH",
        "txnId": "dc4933c7bf4e4d0b584bed392a8b6067678a001e5137e4780cd55263377394a4",
        "txnUri": "",
        "blockTime": 1602038247,
        "blockNumber": 7325459,
        "proofRoot": "dad814e53cb616d51ed5a389a8e9a91812051b4102535446c4898131158ed916"


Once your proof status is CONFIRMED, you have successfully anchored your proof and you can now verify it! Simply make a POST request using the trieId and proofId you received in the previous step and make a request to the following endpoint:

Request Body
    "proofId" : "p1K2Nn0P010xEgzaV524Hk",
    "trieId" : "tBnXlLjoCI-WgFzjaDxgae",
    "outputItems" : true
Using curl
curl -d '{ "proofId" : "p1K2Nn0P010xEgzaV524Hk", "trieId" : "tBnXlLjoCI-WgFzjaDxgae", "outputItems" : true }' -H "Authorization: Bearer $YOUR_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST
Response Body
    "verified": true,
    "proof": {
        "id": "p1K2Nn0P010xEgzaV524Hk",
        "trieId": "tBnXlLjoCI-WgFzjaDxgae",
        "root": "c745c59d907512f3d023ed6e1e654e72e1dfba5422691c434bc3c2432f1472dd",
        "createdAt": "2020-10-07T02:37:08.0056553Z",
        "status": "CONFIRMED",
        "anchorType": "ETH",
        "txnId": "dc4933c7bf4e4d0b584bed392a8b6067678a001e5137e4780cd55263377394a4",
        "txnUri": "",
        "blockTime": 1602038247,
        "blockNumber": 7325459,
        "proofRoot": "dad814e53cb616d51ed5a389a8e9a91812051b4102535446c4898131158ed916"
    "items": [
            "key": "Hello, World!",
            "value": "SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ=="

Congratulations! You've successfully anchored and verified Hello, World!



Creates a new TrieProof by submitting the trie for blockchain anchoring.

HTTP Request

POST /tries/{trie-id}/anchor

Request Query Parameters

anchorTypestringThe anchor type.

Response Body

If successful, this method returns a 200 OK response code and the following properties in the response body.

proofTrieProofThe trie proof submitted for anchoring.



POST /tries/tHYF4XwaujFCO3NBFbPAF0/anchor?anchorType=ETH


    "proof": {
        "id": "pokEUxLX8lswgjjT3OVnWs",
        "trieId": "tHYF4XwaujFCO3NBFbPAF0",
        "root": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        "createdAt": "2020-10-07T06:43:07.700472507Z",
        "status": "BATCHING",
        "anchorType": "ETH",
        "proofRoot": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"


Creates a new trie.

HTTP Request

POST /tries

Request Body

No request body required.

Response Body

If successful, this method returns a 201 CREATED response code.


trieTrieThe created trie.



    "trie" : {
        "id": "thBGjbeaX3nVh2Zxl3z5gt",
        "root": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"


Deletes a single TrieItem from a trie.

HTTP Request

DELETE /tries/{trie-id}/items/{item-key}

Response Body

If successful, this method returns a 200 OK response code and the following properties in the response body.


updatedRootstringThe new root of the trie.



DELETE /tries/tBnXlLjoCI-WgFzjaDxgae/items/key-1


    "updatedRoot": "b28935cba5c8b49d255a9ed59a950179688e79345b5af16f4df7b0abdf4f370b"


Deletes a TrieProof.

HTTP Request

DELETE /tries/{trie-id}/proofs/{proof-id}

Response Body

If successful, this method returns a 200 OK response code and the following properties in the response body.

proofTrieProofThe deleted trie proof.



DELETE /tries/tAgYKIN6lQ7zIFRD8pCteg/proofs/pekk6DlPqz0QaHzPMuOGcB


    "proof": {
        "id": "pekk6DlPqz0QaHzPMuOGcB",
        "trieId": "tAgYKIN6lQ7zIFRD8pCteg",
        "root": "c745c59d907512f3d023ed6e1e654e72e1dfba5422691c434bc3c2432f1472dd",
        "createdAt": "2020-10-07T22:09:53.717798766Z",
        "status": "CONFIRMED",
        "anchorType": "ETH",
        "txnId": "ee2bf8ca4d4000ea39cf8e184319b81f86a0e50fc0034bcfef7f62aebc467d81",
        "txnUri": "",
        "blockTime": 1602108624,
        "blockNumber": 7330146,
        "proofRoot": "dad814e53cb616d51ed5a389a8e9a91812051b4102535446c4898131158ed916"


Deletes a Trie.

HTTP Request

DELETE /tries/{trie-id}

Response Body

If successful, this method returns a 200 OK response code.


trieTrieThe deleted trie.



    "trie" : {
        "id": "thBGjbeaX3nVh2Zxl3z5gt",
        "root": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"


Retrieves a single TrieItem from a specific trie.

HTTP Request

GET /tries/{trie-id}/items/{item-key}

Response Body

If successful, this method returns a 200 OK response code.


itemTrieItemThe trie item.



    "item": [
            "key": "Hello, World!",
            "value": "SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ=="


Retrieves all TrieItem's from a specific trie.

HTTP Request

GET /tries/{trie-id}/items

Response Body

If successful, this method returns a 200 OK response code and the following properties in the response body.

items[ ] TrieItemAn array of trie items.



    "items": [
            "key": "Hello, World!",
            "value": "SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ=="


Retrieves a TrieProof.

HTTP Request

GET /tries/{trie-id}/proofs/{proof-id}

Response Body

If successful, this method returns a 200 OK response code and the following properties in the response body.

proofTrieProofThe trie proof.



GET /tries/tBnXlLjoCI-WgFzjaDxgae/proofs/p1K2Nn0P010xEgzaV524Hk


    "proof": {
        "id": "p1K2Nn0P010xEgzaV524Hk",
        "trieId": "tBnXlLjoCI-WgFzjaDxgae",
        "root": "c745c59d907512f3d023ed6e1e654e72e1dfba5422691c434bc3c2432f1472dd",
        "createdAt": "2020-10-07T02:37:08.0056553Z",
        "status": "BATCHING",
        "anchorType": "ETH",
        "proofRoot": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"


Retrieve all TrieProof's for a given trie.

HTTP Request

GET /tries/{trie-id}/proofs

Response Body

If successful, this method returns a 200 OK response code and the following properties in the response body.

proofs[ ] TrieProofAn array of trie proofs for the given trie.



GET /tries/tVoXJnrmXW-BQTQsN-TQjW/proofs


    "proofs": [
            "id": "p0633loCr2bMfGFSkEw8i-",
            "trieId": "tVoXJnrmXW-BQTQsN-TQjW",
            "root": "3c74322c9dfe3aa6d82f9d5b3642eab9195ad0a25b7e1d28b8d338899a6f338c",
            "createdAt": "2020-09-18T02:11:12.09027431Z",
            "status": "CONFIRMED",
            "anchorType": "ETH",
            "txnId": "291c1e13108c62fc5f4e1c0c09929f1d36259f6386f096882ab92a08bc7b2cea",
            "txnUri": "",
            "blockTime": 1600395098,
            "blockNumber": 7215935,
            "proofRoot": "7ab109a79c9721e6e199cd4545cd5de95bef8ee7032808ae44ec44c4c13dd9cb"


HTTP Request

GET /tries/{trie-id}/roots

Response Body

If successful, this method returns a 200 OK response code and the following properties.

roots[ ] TrieRootAn array of roots the trie has.



GET /tries/thBGjbeaX3nVh2Zxl3z5gt/roots


    "roots": [
            "root": "3c74322c9dfe3aa6d82f9d5b3642eab9195ad0a25b7e1d28b8d338899a6f338c",
            "createdAt": "2020-09-17T23:42:04.385479769Z"


Retrieves a Trie.

HTTP Request

GET /tries/{trie-id}

Response Body

If successful, this method returns a 200 OK response code.


trieTrieThe trie.



    "trie" : {    
        "id": "thBGjbeaX3nVh2Zxl3z5gt",
        "root": "3c74322c9dfe3aa6d82f9d5b3642eab9195ad0a25b7e1d28b8d338899a6f338c"


Anchors a set of key/values to the blockchain and returns a TrieProof.

HTTP Request

POST /prove

Request Body

JSON Representation

    "anchorType" : "string",
    "items" : [
        { "key" : "string", "value" : "string (base64)" }


anchorTypestringThe blockchain anchor type to submit the proof to. One of [ ]. Defaults to ETH.
items[ ] TrieItemThe array of items to create a proof for. Minimum of 1 item.

Response Body

If successful, this method returns a 200 OK response code and the following properties in the response body.

proofTrieProofThe proof created.



POST /prove
    "anchorType" : "ETH",
    "items" : [
        { "key" : "Hello, World!", "value" : "SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ==" }


    "proof": {
        "id": "p1K2Nn0P010xEgzaV524Hk",
        "trieId": "tBnXlLjoCI-WgFzjaDxgae",
        "root": "c745c59d907512f3d023ed6e1e654e72e1dfba5422691c434bc3c2432f1472dd",
        "createdAt": "2020-10-07T02:37:08.0056553Z",
        "status": "BATCHING",
        "anchorType": "ETH",
        "proofRoot": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"


Adds a single TrieItem to a trie.

HTTP Request

POST /tries/{trie-id}/items/{item-key}

Request Body

JSON Representation

    "value" : "string"


valuestringThe base64 encoded value to add.

Response Body

If successful, this method returns a 201 CREATED response code and the following properties in the response body.


updatedRootstringThe new root of the trie.


POST /tries/tBnXlLjoCI-WgFzjaDxgae/items/key-1


    "value" : "SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ=="


    "updatedRoot": "b28935cba5c8b49d255a9ed59a950179688e79345b5af16f4df7b0abdf4f370b"


Adds TrieItem's to a trie.

HTTP Request

POST /tries/{trie-id}/items

Request Body

JSON Representation

    "items" : [
        { "key" : "string", "value" : "string (base64)" },
        { "key" : "string", "value" : "string (base64)" }


items[ ] TrieItemAn array of items to add.

Response Body

If successful, this method returns a 201 CREATED response code and the following properties in the response body.


updatedRootstringThe new root of the trie.



    "items" : [
        { "key" : "key-1", "value" : "SGVsbG8s" },
        { "key" : "key-2", "value" : "V29ybGQh" }


    "updatedRoot": "b28935cba5c8b49d255a9ed59a950179688e79345b5af16f4df7b0abdf4f370b"


Verifies an anchored TrieProof.

HTTP Request

POST /verify

Request Body

JSON Representation

    "proofId" : "string",
    "trieId" : "string",
    "outputItems" : true


outputItemsboolOptional. Return the items contained in the proof.
proofIdstringThe anchored proof id of the trie.
trieIdstringThe trie ID the proof was created for.

Response Body

If successful, this method returns a 200 OK response code and the following properties in the response body.

errorstringAn error message if the proof failed verification.
items[ ] TrieItemThe array of items that are contained in the proof.
proofTrieProofThe proof verified.
verifiedboolThe status of the proof.



    "proofId" : "p1K2Nn0P010xEgzaV524Hk",
    "trieId" : "tBnXlLjoCI-WgFzjaDxgae",
    "outputItems" : true


    "verified": true,
    "proof": {
        "id": "p1K2Nn0P010xEgzaV524Hk",
        "trieId": "tBnXlLjoCI-WgFzjaDxgae",
        "root": "c745c59d907512f3d023ed6e1e654e72e1dfba5422691c434bc3c2432f1472dd",
        "createdAt": "2020-10-07T02:37:08.0056553Z",
        "status": "CONFIRMED",
        "anchorType": "ETH",
        "txnId": "dc4933c7bf4e4d0b584bed392a8b6067678a001e5137e4780cd55263377394a4",
        "txnUri": "",
        "blockTime": 1602038247,
        "blockNumber": 7325459,
        "proofRoot": "dad814e53cb616d51ed5a389a8e9a91812051b4102535446c4898131158ed916"
    "items": [
            "key": "Hello, World!",
            "value": "SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ=="


Verifies an anchored TrieProof.

HTTP Request

GET /tries/{trie-id}/verify/{proof-id}

Optional Query Parameters

outputItemsboolOptional. Return the items belonging the proof.

Response Body

If successful, this method returns a 200 OK response code and the following properties in the response body.

errorstringAn error message if the proof failed verification.
items[ ] TrieItemThe array of items that are contained in the proof.
proofTrieProofThe proof verified.
verifiedboolThe status of the proof.



GET /tries/tBnXlLjoCI-WgFzjaDxgae/verify/p1K2Nn0P010xEgzaV524Hk?outputItems=true


    "verified": true,
    "proof": {
        "id": "p1K2Nn0P010xEgzaV524Hk",
        "trieId": "tBnXlLjoCI-WgFzjaDxgae",
        "root": "c745c59d907512f3d023ed6e1e654e72e1dfba5422691c434bc3c2432f1472dd",
        "createdAt": "2020-10-07T02:37:08.0056553Z",
        "status": "CONFIRMED",
        "anchorType": "ETH",
        "txnId": "dc4933c7bf4e4d0b584bed392a8b6067678a001e5137e4780cd55263377394a4",
        "txnUri": "",
        "blockTime": 1602038247,
        "blockNumber": 7325459,
        "proofRoot": "dad814e53cb616d51ed5a389a8e9a91812051b4102535446c4898131158ed916"
    "items": [
            "key": "Hello, World!",
            "value": "SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ=="


Trie type

Here is a JSON representation of a Trie.

JSON Representation

  "id" : "string",
  "root" : "string"


idstringThe unique trie id. Read-only.
rootstringThe current root hash of the trie. Read-write.

TrieItem type

JSON Representation

Here is a JSON representation of a TrieItem.

    "key" : "string",
    "value" : "string (base64)"


keystringThe unique key. Read-write.
valuestringThe value assigned to the key. Base64 encoded. Read-write.

TrieProof type

JSON Representation

Here is a JSON representation of a TrieProof.

    "id": "string",
    "trieId": "string",
    "root": "string",
    "createdAt": "string",
    "status": "string",
    "anchorType": "string",
    "txnId": "string",
    "txnUri": "string",
    "blockTime": 1601931891,
    "blockNumber": 7318373,
    "proofRoot": "string"


idstringThe unique proof id. Read-only.
trieIdstringThe unique trie id this proof was created on. Read-only.
rootstringThe root hash of the trie proven by this proof. Read-only.
createdAtstringThe timestamp the proof was created at. RFC3339 Format. Read-only.
statusstringThe proof status. One of [STARTED, CONFIRMED].
errorstringThe error message when status is ERROR.
anchorTypestringThe anchor type the trie proof has been submitted to.
txnIdstringThe blockchain transaction ID - once status is CONFIRMED.
txnUristringThe explorer URI for the blockchain transaction - once status is CONFIRMED
blockTimeuint64The blockchain's block consensus timestamp in seconds - once status is CONFIRMED
blockTimeNanouint64The bockcahin's block consensus timestamp's nano part. For most traditional blockchains, this will be zero. For Hedera, this will be the nano part of the transaction's consensus timestamp.
blockNumberuint64The blockchain's block number. For Hedera, this will be zero as there is no block concept and each transaction has its own consensus timestamp which defines the transaction order.
proofRootstringThe root hash of the trie proof, which is the anchor batch's root hash the proof belongs to.

TrieRoot type

JSON Representation

Here is a JSON representation of a TrieRoot.

    "root": "string",
    "createdAt": "string"


rootstringThe root hash. Read-only.
createdAtstringThe time the root was created. RFC3339 Format. Read-only.


gRPC is the modern wire protocol that connects client applications with Proofable services. Although you can directly consume the gRPC APIs to use Proofable in any language that supports gRPC, we recommend you to use the available Proofable SDK for your language


This demo shows how to consume the raw gRPC APIs via evans to prove 3 key-values

API Service

API Service is a general purpose proving service that is fast and effective. It provides a set of APIs to manipulate trie structures and generate blockchain proofs for any digital assets. A trie is a dictionary of key-values that can be built incrementally, whose root hash at any given time can be also dervied efficiently. Once the root hash is proven to a blockchain, every key-value is also proven, so as the digital asset stored in that key-value

Protobuf definition: api/api.proto

Table of Contents


Method NameRequest TypeResponse TypeDescription
GetTriesgoogle.protobuf.EmptyTrie streamGetTries gets all tries. Admin privilege is required
GetTrieTrieRequestTrieGetTrie gets a trie
ImportTrieDataChunk streamTrieImportTrie creates a new trie from existing trie data. If the trie ID is not provided in the metadata, a new one will be generated
ExportTrieTrieRequestDataChunk streamExportTrie exports a trie's data
CreateTrieCreateTrieRequestTrieCreateTrie creates an empty trie
DeleteTrieTrieRequestTrieDeleteTrie deletes a trie. This destroys everything of a trie
GetTrieKeyValuesTrieKeyValuesRequestKeyValue streamGetTrieKeyValues gets key-values of a trie. The returned KeyValues are ordered by the keys lexicographically
GetTrieKeyValueTrieKeyValueRequestKeyValueGetTrieKeyValue gets a key-value of a trie
SetTrieKeyValuesKeyValue streamTrieSetTrieKeyValues sets key-values of a trie. Set an empty value for a key to remove that key. Modifications to a trie will change its root hash
GetTrieRootsTrieRootsRequestTrieRoot streamGetTrieRoots gets roots of a trie. This is a series of roots showing the modification history of a trie
SetTrieRootSetTrieRootRequestTrieSetTrieRoot sets the root of a trie to the given one. This will add an entry in the root history
SetTrieStorageTypeSetTrieStorageTypeRequestTrieSetTrieStorageType sets the storage type of a trie
GetTrieProofsTrieProofsRequestTrieProof streamGetTrieProofs gets proofs of a trie
GetTrieProofTrieProofRequestTrieProofGetTrieProof gets a proof of a trie. When not_before is not provided (either nil or zero), the latest proof will be returned
SubscribeTrieProofTrieProofRequestTrieProof streamSubscribeTrieProof subscribes to proof changes of a trie. When not_before is not provided (either nil or zero), the latest proof will be returned
CreateTrieProofCreateTrieProofRequestTrieProofCreateTrieProof creates a proof for a trie root
DeleteTrieProofDeleteTrieProofRequestTrieProofDeleteTrieProof deletes a proof for a trie root
VerifyTrieProofVerifyTrieProofRequestVerifyProofReplyChunk streamVerifyTrieProof verifies a proof for a trie root
CreateKeyValuesProofCreateKeyValuesProofRequestDataChunk streamCreateKeyValuesProof creates a proof for the provided key-values out of a trie proof. The new proof is self-contained and can be verified independently
VerifyKeyValuesProofDataChunk streamVerifyProofReplyChunk streamVerifyKeyValuesProof verifies a key-values proof


CreateKeyValuesProofRequest represents a create key-values proof request

trie_idstringTrieId is the trie ID
proof_idstringProofId is the trie proof id
requestCreateTrieProofRequestRequest is the request to create a new trie proof that is going to prove the key-values
filterKeyValuesFilterFilter is the key-values filter (optional). When zero, all key-values will be included in the proof


CreateTrieProofRequest represents a create trie proof request

trie_idstringTrieId is the trie ID
rootstringRoot is the root hash (optional). When zero, the current root hash of the trie will be used to create the TrieProof, and the request will be blocked until all ongoing updates are finished
anchor_typeanchor.Anchor.TypeAnchorType is the anchor type the trie proof should be submitted to. Default to ETH


CreateTrieRequest represents a create trie request

storage_typeTrie.StorageTypeStorageType is the storage type of the trie to be created


DataChunk represents a chunk of data transmitted in a gRPC stream

databytesData is the data within the DataChunk
import_trie_requestImportTrieRequestImportTrieRequest is the import trie request
verify_key_values_proof_requestVerifyKeyValuesProofRequestVerifyKeyValuesProofRequest is the request to verify a key-values proof


DeleteTrieProofRequest represents a delete trie proof request

trie_idstringTrieId is the trie ID
proof_idstringProofId is the trie proof ID


ImportTrieRequest represents an import trie request

trie_idstringTrieId is the trie ID
storage_typeTrie.StorageTypeStorageType is the storage type of the trie


Key represents a key of a key-value pair

keybytesKey is the key of the key-value
key_sepuint32repeatedKeySep is the key separators for chained tries


KeyValue represents a key-value

keybytesKey is the key of the key-value
key_sepuint32repeatedKeySep is the key separators for chained tries
valuebytesValue is the value of the key-value
trie_key_values_requestTrieKeyValuesRequestTrieKeyValuesRequest is the request to set or get key-values


KeyValuesFilter represents a key-value filter

keysKeyrepeatedKeys are the keys of key-values that should be included in a key-value proof. Only those trie nodes are on the merkle paths of the given keys will be included in the proof


RootFilter represents a root filter to query a proof

rootstringRoot is the root hash. When zero, the current root hash of the trie will be used to retrieve the TrieProof, and the request will be blocked until all ongoing updates are finished
not_beforegoogle.protobuf.TimestampNotBefore is the not before timestamp. When nil, this constraint is not used; when zero, the latest TrieProof for the root hash will be returned


SetTrieRootRequest represents a set trie root request

trie_idstringTrieId is the trie ID
rootstringRoot is the root hash to set to


SetTrieStorageTypeRequest represents a set trie storage type request

trie_idstringTrieId is the trie ID
storage_typeTrie.StorageTypeStorageType is the storage type of the trie to be updated to


Trie represents a dictionary of key-values that can be built incrementally, whose root hash at any given time can be also dervied efficiently. Once the root hash is proven to a blockchain, every key-value is also proven

idstringId is the trie ID
rootstringRoot is the root hash of the trie
storage_typeTrie.StorageTypeStorageType is the storage type of the trie


TrieKeyValueRequest represents a trie key-value request

trie_idstringTrieId is the trie ID
rootstringRoot is the root hash (optional). When zero, the current root hash of the trie will be used to retrieve the TrieKeyValues, and the request will be blocked until all ongoing updates are finished
keyKeyKey is the key of the key-value


TrieKeyValuesRequest represents a trie key-values request. The returned KeyValues are ordered by the keys lexicographically

trie_idstringTrieId is the trie ID
rootstringRoot is the root hash (optional). When zero, the current root hash of the trie will be used to retrieve the TrieKeyValues, and the request will be blocked until all ongoing updates are finished


TrieProof represents a proof for a trie at a certain root, which can be viewed as a snapshot of all the key-values contained in the trie

idstringId is the ID of the trie proof
trie_idstringTrieId is the trie ID
rootstringRoot is the root hash of the trie proven by this proof
created_atgoogle.protobuf.TimestampCreatedAt is the created at timestamp. The timestamp when the proof is created
statusanchor.Batch.StatusStatus is the anchor batch status of the trie proof
errorstringError is the error message when status is ERROR
anchor_typeanchor.Anchor.TypeAnchorType is the anchor type the trie proof has been submitted to
txn_idstringTxnId is the blockchain transaction ID
txn_uristringTxnUri is the explorer URI for the blockchain transaction
block_timeuint64BlockTime is the blockchain's block consensus timestamp in seconds
block_time_nanouint64BlockTimeNano is the Blockcahin's block consensus timestamp's nano part. For most traditional blockchains, this will be zero. For Hedera, this will be the nano part of the transaction's consensus timestamp
block_numberuint64BlockNumber is the blockchain's block number. For Hedera, this will be zero as there is no block concept and each transaction has its own consensus timestamp which defines the transaction order
proof_rootstringProofRoot is the root hash of the trie proof, which is the anchor batch's root hash the proof belongs to


TrieProofRequest represents a trie proof request

trie_idstringTrieId is the trie ID
proof_idstringProofId is the trie proof ID
root_filterRootFilterRootFilter is the root filter. A nil filter equals a zero filter


TrieProofsRequest represents a trie proofs request. The returned TrieProofs are ordered by root lexicographically then by created at timestamp chronologically

trie_idstringTrieId is the trie ID
root_filterRootFilterRootFilter is the root filter (optional). When nil, all TrieProofs will be returned


TrieRequest represents a trie request

trie_idstringTrieId is the trie ID


TrieRoot represents a root of a trie. Each modification made to the trie will lead to a new trie root

rootstringRoot is the root hash of the trie
created_atgoogle.protobuf.TimestampCreatedAt is the created at timestamp. The timestamp when the root is created


TrieRootsRequest represents a trie roots request. The returned TrieRoots are in chronological order

trie_idstringTrieId is the trie ID
root_filterRootFilterRootFilter is the root filter (optional). When nil, all TrieRoots will be returned


VerifyKeyValuesProofRequest represents a verify key-values proof request

output_key_valuesboolOutputKeyValues indicates whether to output key-values contained in the trie
output_dot_graphboolOutputDotGraph indicates whether to output a Graphviz dot graph to visualize the trie


VerifyProofReply represents a verify proof reply

verifiedboolVerified indicates whether the proof is verified
errorstringError is the error message when the proof is falsified


VerifyProofReplyChunk represents a chunk of data in the verify proof reply stream

key_valueKeyValueKeyValue is one of the key-values contained in the trie when the OutputKeyValues is true
dot_graph_chunkDataChunkDotGraphChunk is a chunk of the Graphviz dot graph for the trie when the OutputDotGraph is true
replyVerifyProofReplyVerifyProofReply is the verify proof reply, which should be the data in the last VerifyProofReplyChunk


VerifyTrieProofRequest represents a verify trie proof request

trie_idstringTrieId is the trie ID
proof_idstringProofId is the trie proof ID
output_key_valuesboolOutputKeyValues indicates whether to output key-values contained in the trie
output_dot_graphboolOutputDotGraph indicates whether to output a Graphviz dot graph to visualize the trie


StorageType represents a trie storage type

LOCAL0LOCAL means the trie is stored temporarily on API Service's local disk
CLOUD1CLOUD means the trie is stored persistently on a cloud storage provider

Scalar Value Types

.proto TypeNotesC++JavaPythonGoC#PHPRuby
int32Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead.int32intintint32intintegerBignum or Fixnum (as required)
int64Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead.int64longint/longint64longinteger/stringBignum
uint32Uses variable-length encoding.uint32intint/longuint32uintintegerBignum or Fixnum (as required)
uint64Uses variable-length encoding.uint64longint/longuint64ulonginteger/stringBignum or Fixnum (as required)
sint32Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s.int32intintint32intintegerBignum or Fixnum (as required)
sint64Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s.int64longint/longint64longinteger/stringBignum
fixed32Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28.uint32intintuint32uintintegerBignum or Fixnum (as required)
fixed64Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56.uint64longint/longuint64ulonginteger/stringBignum
sfixed32Always four bytes.int32intintint32intintegerBignum or Fixnum (as required)
sfixed64Always eight bytes.int64longint/longint64longinteger/stringBignum
stringA string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text.stringStringstr/unicodestringstringstringString (UTF-8)
bytesMay contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes.stringByteStringstr[]byteByteStringstringString (ASCII-8BIT)

Anchor Service

Anchor Service continuously anchors hashes to blockchains, which is similar to what Chainpoint does, but with much better performance and flexibility. It supports multiple anchor types and proof formats. Digital signing can be also done at the Merkle root level

Protobuf definition: anchor/anchor.proto

Table of Contents


Method NameRequest TypeResponse TypeDescription
GetAnchorsgoogle.protobuf.EmptyAnchor streamGetAnchors gets all anchors
GetAnchorAnchorRequestAnchorGetAnchor gets an anchor
GetProofProofRequestProofGetProof gets a proof
SubmitProofSubmitProofRequestProofSubmitProof submits a proof for the given hash
VerifyProofVerifyProofRequestVerifyProofReplyVerifyProof verifies the given proof. When the proof is unverifiable, an exception is thrown
GetBatchBatchRequestBatchGetBatch gets a batch
SubscribeBatchesSubscribeBatchesRequestBatch streamSubscribeBatches subscribes to batch status updates


Anchor represents an anchor of a blockchain, through which a hash can be anchored to that blockchain

typeAnchor.TypeType is the anchor type
statusAnchor.StatusStatus is the anchor status
errorstringError is the error message when the anchor status is ERROR
supported_formatsProof.FormatrepeatedSupportedFormats are the supported proof formats of the anchor


AnchorRequest represents a request to get information for the given anchor type

typeAnchor.TypeType is the anchor type


Batch represents a batch of hashes. When hash stream comes in, Anchor Service will try to process them in batches, just like blockchain processes transactions in blocks. This makes utilization of expensive resources, such as making Bitcoin transaction, more economic. Each batch's root hash will be embedded in a transaction made to the blockchain

idstringId is the batch ID
anchor_typeAnchor.TypeAnchorType is the batch's anchor type
proof_formatProof.FormatProofFormat is the batch's proof format, which determines how the merkle tree is constructed for the batch.
statusBatch.StatusStatus is the batch status. FLOW: created_at -> BATCHING -> flushed_at -> QUEUING -> started_at -> PROCESSING -> submitted_at -> PENDING -> finalized_at -> CONFIRMED / ERROR; * -> ERROR; if a batch has not yet reached PENDING and its anchor has restarted, the batch will be put back to QUEUING
errorstringError is the error message when status is ERROR
sizeint64Size is the number of hashes contained in the batch
created_atgoogle.protobuf.TimestampCreateAt is the batch's created at timestamp. FLOW: created_at -> BATCHING
flushed_atgoogle.protobuf.TimestampFlushedAt is the batch's flushed at timestamp. FLOW: BATCHING -> flushed_at -> QUEUING
started_atgoogle.protobuf.TimestampStartedAt is the batch's started at timestamp. FLOW: QUEUING -> started_at -> PROCESSING
submitted_atgoogle.protobuf.TimestampSubmittedAt is the batch's submitted at timestamp. FLOW: PROCESSING -> submitted_at -> PENDING
finalized_atgoogle.protobuf.TimestampFinalizedAt is the batch's finalized at timestamp. FLOW: * -> finalized_at -> CONFIRMED / ERROR. NOTE: this is not the real block confirmed time, use the timestamp in the batch data instead
hashstringHash is the batch's root hash
datastringData is the batch data in JSON


BatchRequest represents a batch request

batch_idstringBatchId is the batch ID
anchor_typeAnchor.TypeAnchorType is the batch's anchor type


Proof represents a blockchain proof of a hash, which is a Merkle path from the hash to the root hash of the proof's batch

hashstringHash is the hash the proof is proving for
batch_idstringBatchId is the proof's batch ID
anchor_typeAnchor.TypeAnchorType is the proof's anchor type
batch_statusBatch.StatusBatchStatus is the proof's batch status
formatProof.FormatFormat is the proof format
datastringData is the proof data in base64
batchBatchBatch is the proof's batch detail


ProofRequest represents a proof request

hashstringHash is the hash the proof is proving for
batch_idstringBatchId is the proof's batch ID
anchor_typeAnchor.TypeAnchorType is the proof's anchor type
with_batchboolWithBatch indicates whether to include the proof's batch detail


SubmitProofRequest represents a submit proof request

hashstringHash is the hash to be submitted
anchor_typeAnchor.TypeAnchorType is the anchor type to be used
formatProof.FormatFormat is the proof format to be used
skip_batchingboolSkipBatching indicates whether to skip batching and submit a proof for the hash directly
with_batchboolWithBatch indicates whether to include the batch detail in the reply


SubscribeBatchesRequest represents a subscription request for batch information

filterBatchRequestFilter is the batch filter. When nil, all batches of all anchors will be subscribed; otherwise, only the batches of the given anchor will be subscribed; if batch_id is non-empty, only the matched batch will be subscribed


VerifyProofReply represents a verify proof reply

verifiedboolVerified indicates whether the proof is verified
errorstringErorr is the error message when the proof is falsified
provenHashstringProvenHash is the hash the proof is proving for


VerifyProofRequest represents a verify proof request

anchor_typeAnchor.TypeAnchorType is the proof's anchor type
formatProof.FormatFormat is the proof format. If skipping the signature checking is desired, please use the corresponding non-signed format, eg. use CHP_PATH instead of CHP_PATH_SIGNED in request
datastringData is the proof data in base64


Status represents an anchor's status

ERROR0Error means the anchor has an error
STOPPED1STOPPED means the anchor is stopped
RUNNING2RUNNING means the anchor is running


Type represents an anchor type. Please refer to this list for all available anchor types

ETH0Ethereum Rinkeby Testnet
ETH_MAINNET3Ethereum Mainnet. Ethereum is the second-largest cryptocurrency
ETH_ELASTOS4Elastos, which employs a "main chain-sidechain architecture"
ETH_GOCHAIN9GoChain, which is scalable, low cost and energy efficient
BTC1Bitcoin Testnet
BTC_MAINNET5Bitcoin Mainnet. Bitcoin is the largest cryptocurrency
HEDERA6Hedera Testnet
HEDERA_MAINNET7Hedera Mainnet. Hedera is a DAG based blockchain that provides much better TPS than tranditional blockchains
HYPERLEDGER8Hyperledger Fabric, which is a modular blockchain framework for private enterprises


Status represents a batch's status

ERROR0ERROR means the batch has an error. FLOW: * -> ERROR
BATCHING1BATCHING means the batch is batching for more hashes. FLOW: created_at -> BATCHING -> flushed_at
QUEUING2QUEUING means the batch is queuing to be processed. FLOW: flushed_at -> QUEUING -> started_at
PROCESSING3PROCESSING means the batch is constructing merkle roots and submitting hashes. FLOW: started_at -> PROCESSING -> submitted_at
PENDING4PENDING means the batch's root hash is pending to be confirmed. FLOW: submitted_at -> PENDING -> finalized_at
CONFIRMED5CONFIRMED means the batch's root hash is confirmed by the anchor's blockchain. FLOW: finalized_at -> CONFIRMED


Format represents a proof format

CHP_PATH0CHP_PATH means Chainpoint Path format, which is the format used by Chainpoint
ETH_TRIE1ETH_TRIE means Ethereum Trie format
CHP_PATH_SIGNED2CHP_PATH_SIGNED means signed Chainpoint Path format
ETH_TRIE_SIGNED3ETH_TRIE_SIGNED means signed Ethereum Trie format

Scalar Value Types

.proto TypeNotesC++JavaPythonGoC#PHPRuby
int32Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead.int32intintint32intintegerBignum or Fixnum (as required)
int64Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead.int64longint/longint64longinteger/stringBignum
uint32Uses variable-length encoding.uint32intint/longuint32uintintegerBignum or Fixnum (as required)
uint64Uses variable-length encoding.uint64longint/longuint64ulonginteger/stringBignum or Fixnum (as required)
sint32Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s.int32intintint32intintegerBignum or Fixnum (as required)
sint64Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s.int64longint/longint64longinteger/stringBignum
fixed32Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28.uint32intintuint32uintintegerBignum or Fixnum (as required)
fixed64Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56.uint64longint/longuint64ulonginteger/stringBignum
sfixed32Always four bytes.int32intintint32intintegerBignum or Fixnum (as required)
sfixed64Always eight bytes.int64longint/longint64longinteger/stringBignum
stringA string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text.stringStringstr/unicodestringstringstringString (UTF-8)
bytesMay contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes.stringByteStringstr[]byteByteStringstringString (ASCII-8BIT)


Here is the documentation for our contributors

Update documentation

The follow operations should be performed in master branch unless otherwise specified

Setup docs compiling environment

  1. Make sure the following dependencies are installed:

    • Node: LTS version v12.16.3+
    • Rust: v1.46.0+
  2. Install mdBook

    cargo install mdbook
  3. Initialize docs compiling environment

    make doc-init

    You can use make doc-clean to cleanup files generated in this step. If you want to redo the initialization, please do a cleanup first

Update docs

  1. Run docs dev server:

    make doc-dev

    and a open browser tab at http://localhost:3000

  2. Make changes to Markdown files in docs directory, which will trigger the dev server to hot-reload the docs in the browser. This is a good way for to preview the changes. Please note that anything other than a symbolic link or a Markdown file in docs will be copied to docs_output/book/html by make doc-dev or mmake doc-build then be synced to docs_output/gh-pages by make doc-deploy with extraneous files removed. So if you want to add a file to gh-pages, add to docs first, otherwise that file will be deleted during the syncing


  • If you have changed the anchor types in protos or their configuration in tools/anchor-types-updater/manifests (previously in provendb-releases before moving to the new cluster), you need to regenerate the Anchor Types page at docs/concepts/

    make doc-anchortypes
  • If you have changed the Node SDK code, you need to regenerate the Node SDK reference at docs_output/gh-pages/node_sdk/reference

    make doc-node
  • If you want to temporarily ignore a link when building the docs, you can add it to output.linkcheck.exclude in book.toml. Please remember to remove it after you have fixed your problem

Deploy updated docs

  1. Make a production build of the docs:

    make doc-build

    this will generate the htmls in docs_output/book

  2. Sync changes to the directory docs_output/gh-pages (the checkout of gh-pages branch) from docs_output/book/html:

    make doc-deploy
  3. Go to the docs_output/gh-pages directory, review changes and perform a git commit on gh-pages branch:

    cd docs_output/gh-pages
    # review changes
    git status
    # commit
    git add .
    git commit -am "Some meaningful commit message"

Publish a new version

Node SDK (NPM)

  1. cd node_sdk
  2. npm login (southbanksoftwareadmin)
  3. npm version patch (or minor, major)
  4. npm publish
  5. remember to regenerate and update Node SDK documentation as well if that is necessary

Go SDK & Proofable CLI

  1. tag the commit using the version from CI

    Proofable CLI CI Version

  2. copy binaries from dev to stg

    gsutil -m cp -ra public-read "gs://provendb-dev/proofable-cli/*" "gs://provendb-stg/proofable-cli"
  3. copy binaries from stg to prd

    gsutil -m cp -ra public-read "gs://provendb-stg/proofable-cli/*" "gs://provendb-prd/proofable-cli"
  4. publish a new version to Proofable Homebrew tap:

    1. make sure the tap is enabled. You can skip this step if it has already been done

      brew tap southbanksoftware/proofable
    2. go to edit the checked out Formula file

      cd $(brew --repo southbanksoftware/proofable)
      code Formula/proofable-cli.rb
    3. modify the url to point to the new version (the CI binary version in step 1) and remove the sha256 field, then run the following to get the new sha256 hash

      brew fetch proofable-cli --build-from-source

      Finally, re-add the sha256 field in proofable-cli.rb

    4. create a PR for the change

      # change v0.2.13 to the correct version
      git checkout -b release/v0.2.13
      git commit -am "Release v0.2.13"
      gh pr create --title "Release v0.2.13" --body "Normal release"
    5. wait for the PR test to pass and merge

    6. checkout out master and pull the latest for future development

      git checkout master
      git pull